Implemented Parallel Annealing in Scalable Fully Coupled Annealing Processing System

Kaoru Yamamoto,Takayuki Kawahara

2022 IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI)(2022)

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There has been progress in annealing processors for solving combinatorial optimization problems. There are two types of annealing processors: the "sparsely coupled" type, which implements only some spin-to-spin couplings, and the "fully coupled" type, which implements all spin-to-spin couplings. The latter has the advantage of having a large number of problems to be solved per spin, but had been said to have the disadvantage of poor scalability due to the complicated coupling. To overcome this, we first created a scalable Fully coupled annealing processing system (SFCAPS) by using multi-chip operation and implemented it on an FPGA board. This is to reduce the amount of coupling per chip by performing the multi-chip operation, and to improve the scalability by facilitating the connection between the chips. However, in the architecture, multi-chip operation could not be fully used and most of the chips on the board were idle for a large amount of time. Therefore, for this study, we implemented a parallel annealing method called multi-spin threading on this architecture to reduce the number of idle chips and demonstrated that the architecture can operate more efficiently. As a result, the architecture became more efficient, which raised the parallelism of the architecture. This has resulted in an average 5% improvement in the accuracy of the annealing processor's solution, demonstrating that it is easier to achieve a high accuracy solution.
combinatorial optimization,annealing processer,scalable fully coupled annealing system,simulated annealing parallel annealing,Ising-model,Ising-machine,FPGA
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