Incommensurate charge density wave on multiband intermetallic systems exhibiting competing orders

Physical review(2023)

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The appearance of an incommensurate charge density wave vector $\textbf{Q} = (Q_x,Q_y)$ on multiband intermetallic systems presenting commensurate charge density wave (CDW) and superconductivity (SC) orders is investigated. We consider a two-band model in a square lattice, where the bands have distinct effective masses. The incommensurate CDW (inCDW) and CDW phases arise from an interband Coulomb repulsive interaction, while the SC emerges due to a local intraband attractive interaction. For simplicity, all the interactions, the order parameters and hybridization between bands are considered $\textbf{k}$-independent. The multiband systems that we are interested are intermetallic systems with a $d$-band coexisting with a large $c$-band, for which a mean-field approach has proved suitable. We obtain the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian numerically and minimize the free energy density with respect to the diverse parameters of the model by means of the Hellmann-Feynman theorem. We investigate the system in real as well as momentum space and we find an inCDW phase with wave vector $\textbf{Q} = (\pi, Q_y) = (Q_x, \pi)$. Our numerical results show that the arising of an inCDW state depends on parameters, such as the magnitude of the inCDW and CDW interactions, band filling, hybridization and the relative depth of the bands. In general, inCDW tends to emerge at low temperatures, away from half-filling. We also show that, whether the CDW ordering is commensurate or incommensurate, large values of the relative depth between bands may suppress it. We discuss how each parameter of the model affects the emergence of an inCDW phase.
multiband intermetallic systems,density wave
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