Fighting cichlids: An integrated multimodal analysis to understand female and male aggression in Cichlasoma dimerus*


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Aggression has been historically linked to males and androgen levels and, even if females from different species also display aggressive behavior, female aggression is still widely understudied. The aim of the present work is to disentangle how sex differences in social plasticity can be explained by sex steroid hormone levels, gonadal state and/or morphometric characteristics. In this context, we performed intrasexual dyadic encounters to identify social plasticity after acquiring a winner or loser status in males and females of Cichlasoma dimerus. This integral analysis suggests that the reproductive and hormonal variables analyzed explain the behavioral variation among winner and loser males and females, and that there are significant differences between sexes and contest outcome when individual morphometric variables are excluded from the analysis. Interestingly, there are no sex differ-ences in aggressive and submissive behaviors, and clustering into winners and losers is mainly explained by specific behavioral displays, such as bites, chases, approaches, passive copings, and escapes. Correlation heat -maps show a positive correlation between estradiol with aggression and a negative correlation with submission, suggesting estrogens may have a dual role regulating agonistic behavior. Finally, these results suggest that size difference can help to understand aggression in females but not in males, and that assessment of the opponent's body size is important to understand aggression also before the initiation of the contest in both sexes. Overall, this study constitutes an integral approach adding insights into the importance of reproductive and hormonal variables to understand social plasticity in males and females.
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Key words
Aggressive behavior,Cichlasoma dimerus,Contest,Androgens,Estrogens,Multivariate analysis
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