
Consolidating Real-World Semantics in Contemporary Software Architecture Paradigms

SSRN Electronic Journal(2022)

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Context : Semantics and software are on odds with each other. Semiotics explains why software is incapable of genuine understanding of real-world semantics (RWS). Current artificial intelligence cannot solve this incompatibility and software depends on the expensive human-in-the-loop. RWS still remain ambiguous with an emerging semantic standard applying monolithic, and to the initial software development team only. Furthermore, changing reality demands RWS to evolve, reducing its reusability, enforcing new projects to (re)start semantic modelling. Therefore, an initial agreement is required on the foundations of RWS in software.Objective : To investigate how to consolidate RWS concerns in contemporary software architectures by identifying these concerns and formulating their supporting architectural principles. To provide guidance to the embedding of these principles in contemporary architectural paradigms.Method : We base our work on disciplines outside ICT, viz semiotics, pragmatics and linguistic philosophy, and connect that with formal semantics and ontology, metamodelling, and modelling languages. We investigate the relation between RWS and software architecture. We consolidate all findings as architectural design principles, used to specify a Domain Model. We evaluate the principles by confirming that an ISO-42010 Architecture Viewpoint can exist that governs the Domain Model as View on RWS.Results : We reduce RWS in software to the reciprocity between data and data-processing and organise them as reciprocal-pairs into separate atomic semantic monoliths. Our ISO-42010 View consolidates the role and function of RWS in contemporary architectural paradigms as a tangible artifact. The Domain Model becomes another foundation in software from which semantic reusability and interoperability emerge as system engineering benefits.Conclusions : Introducing nine architectural principles on semiotics, pragmatics and ontological commitment provides for the capability to explicitly include and consolidate RWS concerns in contemporary architectural paradigms as a distinguished artifact.
software architecture,semantics,real-world
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