Nitrous oxide emissions from five fertilizer treatments during one year – High-frequency measurements on a Swedish Cambisol

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment(2022)

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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a strong greenhouse gas, and the emissions from managed soils are increasing. Emissions of N2O are highly variable in time and space, and there are potential triggers for emission peaks both in crop season and no-crop season. The aim of this study was to compare how fertilizer treatments, differing in rate and source of nitrogen (N), influence direct N2O emissions from soil, in crop season as well as in no-crop season, with the use of automated, high-frequency chamber measurements. Emissions were measured from cereal production on a Swedish clay-rich soil fertilized with biogas digestate, pig slurry and two levels of mineral N, as well as from control plots receiving no fertilizer N. The results showed that N2O emissions per unit area were low in all treatments, compared to other studies. Emissions from the treatment with mineral fertilizers at recommended rates were similar to the emissions from the control (0.65 and 0.48 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1, respectively). One-year cumulative emissions from a mineral N input rate 50 % higher than recommended were about three times higher than the control. Emissions of N2O from the pig slurry and biogas digestate treatments per unit area were of the same magnitude as from the high mineral N treatment. While the emissions from the high mineral N treatment were associated with elevated concentrations of nitrate in the drainage water, the high emissions from the organic fertilizer treatments were probably a result of large input of ammonium and degradable organic matter both in the year studied and in the preceding year. Most (approximately 75 %) of the N2O emissions occurred between harvest in autumn and sowing in spring, mainly in periods of freeze-thaw cycles. The relative differences between treatments were roughly the same during crop season and no-crop season. This study concludes that it is possible to combine high yields with very low N2O emissions - even on a clay soil in a semi-humid climate - when using mineral fertilizers at recommended rates.
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Nitrous oxide,Soil,Fertilizer rates,Organic fertilizers,Automated measurements,Barley
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