Premature Rupture of Membranes: Interventionist or Expectant Attitude? At the Maternity Ward of Sominé Dolo Hospital in Mopti Mali

Seydou Mariko,Nanko S Bagayogo,Pierre Coulibaly, Mama K Samassekou, Abdoulaye Traore,Amaguiré Saye,Mamadou Haidara, Djibril Kassogué, Tiounkani A Thera

SAS Journal of Medicine(2021)

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Context: The premature rupture of membranes regardless of the term of pregnancy can compromise the outcome. The objective was to describe the management of premature rupture of membranes in the maternity unit of Sominé Dolo Hospital in Mopti. Methods and Results: The 12-month study from January to December 31, 2018 was conducted in the maternity ward of Sominé Dolo Hospital in Mopti. This was a prospective analytical study of the case / control survey type including 63 cases (sick) of women who had presented a premature rupture of the membranes matched to 63 controls (not sick) of pregnant women admitted just before or just after the cases. During our study period. The frequency of premature rupture of membranes in relation to all live births during our study period was 4.63% or 63 cases / 1362. Spontaneous delivery after expectation was 74.6% in the group of cases, or 47/63, against 84.1% in the group of controls, or 53/63. The onset was 11.1% in the group of cases with a p value = 0.006. Cesarean section before labor was 14.3% in the group of cases, i.e. 9/63 against 15.9% in the control group, i.e. 10/63. Conclusion: The management of premature rupture of membranes is discussed and our team had opted for the expectation given the high proportion of premature rupture of membranes at term in our study.
premature rupture,maternity ward,membranes,sominé dolo hospital
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