LoRa Faceted Device Assisting Women’s Safety

2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)(2022)

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Today’s situation, the necessary examination of every young girl’s mind, taking into account the constant increase in issues of women’s uprising in the past, is her safety. To help settle this issue we propose a LoRa based women wellbeing system. This gadget comprises of a framework that guarantees double cautions if she thinks she is in a difficult situation. This framework can be turned on by a lady on the off chance that she even figures she would be in a difficult situation. In a panic alarming framework, if the lady is hit on the head from behind, she may never find an opportunity to press the emergency signal and nobody will realize she is in a difficult situation. Our framework tackles this issue. This gadget is to be turned on ahead of time by a lady in the event that she is strolling on a forlorn street or some dull rear entryway or any far off territory. Just the lady validated to the gadgets can begin the framework by finger impression check. When begun the gadgets requires the lady to continually check her finger on the framework like clockwork, else the framework presently sends her area to the approved number through SMS. In this case regardless of whether somebody hits the lady or the lady tumbles down and get oblivious, she doesn’t have to do anything, the framework consequently sends message when the fingerprint is missed. The gadget utilizes GPS sensor alongside a GS, modem, LCD display, LoRa and microcontroller based circuit to accomplish this framework.
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