Implementation of Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring system along with ECG, SPO2 with the help of IoT

2022 6th International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS)(2022)

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Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by glucose intolerance that affects more than 285 million people globally. The traditionally used glucose measurement methods are invasive which are painful and can cause infectious diseases. Therefore, the idea is to use a near infrared optical measurement to implement a noninvasive technique. 300 nm to 800 nm wavelength of laser light is passed through human finger to photodiode. The intensity of received light on to photodiode depends on concentration of blood glucose. The output signal is fed to Arduino to process and display it on OLED display along with other crucial parameters like SPO2 and ECG in this pandemic situation. Diabetes basically causes slow, hidden but significant damage in the body. As the professionals says, “Most patients with type 2 diabetes die from a heart attack”. Diabetes is a disease doesn’t show many symptoms, people tend to take it lightly. Therefore, in this project, we included ECG to monitor the heart that helps the patient to get in track with the healthiness of heart and also get medical treatment in case of any irregularities detected. Also, we included SpO2 in order to track the oxygen levels of the user and the reason to measure oxygen levels to track the lung activity.
noninvasive glucose monitoring system,ECG,diabetes mellitus,metabolic disorder,glucose measurement methods,infectious diseases,infrared optical measurement,laser light,human finger,received light,blood glucose,OLED display,type 2 diabetes,heart attack,wavelength 300.0 nm to 800.0 nm
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