Orchard establishment and management.

M. Jafari, M. López-Corrales, A. J. Galán,A. I. Galván, A. Hosomi, H. Nogata,H. Ikegami,F. Balas,M. J. Serradilla, C. A. Garza-Alonso,A. Yavari,L. Ferguson,A. Sarkhosh

The fig: botany, production and uses(2022)

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Abstract This chapter summarizes how fig growers can take advantage of the wide range of edible fig cultivars, their collective climatic and edaphic adaptability and the multiple methods of manipulating fig production to achieve the global fig production of today. Topics discussed include site selection, cultivar and rootstock selection, orchard design, land preparation before planting (site preparation), irrigation system selection and installation, planting and care of young trees, orchard floor management, fertilizer application, caprification (the process of transferring caprifig fruit pollen to the edible fig syconia by the fig wasp, Blastophaga psenes) management, harvesting, rainfed orchard establishment and management. Fig cultivation in Japan is described.
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orchard establishment,management
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