Java Serialization

Mobile Forensics – The File Format Handbook(2022)

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AbstractJava Serialization is a popular technique for storing object states in the Java programming language. In the field of mobile forensics, we come across such artefacts. App developers very often resort to this technique to make their application state persistent. Serialization is also used when transferring data over a network between two Java applications using Remote Method Invocation(RMI). In the past, there have been recurring security issues associated with this technology. Despite its importance for forensic casework, one can hardly find any literature on this topic. In this chapter, we give an insight into the binary format. For this purpose, special features of the format are presented using an example. In addition to the actual protocol structure, basic steps for acquiring such data and analyzing it will be discussed. Practical hints for searching serials are given. Finally, the security issues are addressed.
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