Design of a Small-Scale Drainage Cleaning Machine

Ankur Baishya, Birendra Kamal, Saurav Kumar,Monoj Bardalai,Partha Pratim Dutta

Advances in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering(2022)

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The present work explains about the design of a small-scaledrain cleaning machine, with necessary calculations of all the required parts. The design of the machine includes both vertical and horizontal movements. The main parts of the proposed machine are bucket, piston &cylinder, compressor &motor, chain, sprocket and pulley. The maximum load acting on the bucket is found to be 132 N, while lifting the solid waste. The piston calculation indicates that the force exerted on the piston strokes is quite higher than the weight of the bucket and thus the bucket can be lifted easily. Hydraulic piston has also been found to be useful from economic point of view, which can exert sufficient pressure to lift the loaded bucket. The design provides the chain movement in a direction of 90° with the help of a sprocket to move the bucket in the horizontal direction as well. The deformation and stress analysis are carried out in ANSYS and the results show negligible deformation during the loading.
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