Transient Thermal and Electrical Characteristics of a Cylindrical LiFeS2 Cell with Equivalent Circuit Model.

International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass TransferProceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT'22)(2023)

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This study examines the discharge behaviour of a cylindrical LiFeS2 cell to evaluate the parameters that can be used to predict and estimate the nonlinear dynamic response of a battery. A linear model is developed to simulate the discharge behaviour and examine the thermal behaviour. In particular, a commercial-grade battery is discharged with the industry-standard hybrid power pulsing characterization (HPPC) test and the current and voltage responses are recorded. The dynamic system is modelled with the equivalent circuit model (ECM) through MATLAB Simulink. A block diagram representation of the equivalent circuit model governing equations was developed. The parameter estimation tool was utilized to reduce the error and fit the simulation results to the experimental voltage responses, in order to obtain state of charge dependent dynamic parameters. Those parameters were then used in a Dual-Potential Multi-Scale Multi-Domain (MSMD) Battery Model solved in ANSYS Fluent to analyze the thermal behaviour by acquiring the temperature profiles and the temperature distribution within the cell. The nonlinear behaviour of the battery was characterized and the equivalent circuit model parameters were identified and are shown to agree with the experimental voltage responses. Furthermore, it is found that the battery temperature increased by 7.35 deg and was distributed uniformly within the cell.
cylindrical lifes2 cell,thermal,electrical characteristics
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