A smart chicken farming platform for chicken behavior identification and feed residual estimation.

Jiezhi Yang, Jun Gao,Yanyan Li, Antong Zhou, Chaochao Qu, Kuo Zhao, Linjing Wei, Le Zhang, Zirong Liu,Ning Jiang, Wenjing Tao, Kangzhe Ma, Quan Lu,Huiru Zheng

2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)(2023)

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It is very potential to develop digital villages for promoting smart agriculture. As one of the important research fields of smart agriculture, smart chicken farms encounter management problems such as difficulties in quickly and accurately warning of sick and dead chickens and estimating feed residuals. Therefore, this study not only respectively proposed CKTrack and FRCM to detect sick and dead chickens and estimate feed residuals, but also developed a smart chicken farming platform for automagical management. Our main results include (1) the proposed CKTrack method can effectively identify sick and dead chickens under the condition of limited data volume and computing capacity; (2) the proposed FRCM method can accurately estimate the feed residuals; and (3) the smart chicken farming platform developed can provide farmers with functions such as early warning of sick and dead chickens, visualization of the chicken quantity inventory, and feed residual estimation.
computer vision,computational biology,object tracking,instance segmentation,smart chicken farming
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