Requirement Validation for Embedded Systems in Automotive Industry Through Modeling


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Requirement validation contributes significantly toward the success of software projects. Validating requirements is also essential to ensure the correctness of embedded systems in the auto industry. The auto industry emphasizes a lot on the verification of car designs and shapes. Invalid or erroneous requirements lead to inappropriate designs and degraded product quality. Considering the required expertise and time for requirement validation, significant attention is not devoted to verification and validation of requirements in the industry. Currently, the failure ratio of software projects is significantly higher and the key reason for that appears to be the inappropriate and invalidated requirements at the early stages in the projects. To that end, we propose a model-based approach that uses the existing V;V model. Through virtual prototyping, the proposed approach eliminates the need to validate the requirements after each stage of the project. Consequently, the model is validated after the design phase and the errors in requirements are detected at the earliest stage. In this research, we performed two different case studies for requirement validation in the auto industry by using a modeling-based approach and formal technique using Petri nets. A benefit of the proposed modeling-based approach is that the projects in the auto industry domain can be completed in less time due to effective requirements validation. Moreover, the modeling-based approach minimizes the development time, cost and increases productivity because the majority of the code is automatically generated using the approach.
Requirement engineering,requirement validation,formal verification,requirement modeling,embedded system,automotive industry
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