Daytime thermal changes in mining sites in Ife area, southwest Nigeria

Interdisciplinary Environmental Review(2022)

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Mining has recently (since 2000) become an important economic activity in southwestern Nigeria but existing studies on their implications have mostly overlooked their capacity to impact the microclimate of neighbouring communities. This study is focused on the evaluation of daytime changes in thermal conditions using field (along N-S and W-E directions) records of air temperature and relative humidity, computed values of heat index and dew point temperature as well as responses of 15 key informants among the residents of the mining community. Warmer air and greater values of heat index and dew point temperatures were obtained at the mine sites than at locations away from them. More than 60% of the respondents argued that heat-related illness (including dry skin and heat rash) has increased since the mining activities began in the area. The study concluded that increase in thermal stress, heat island and associated heat stress are evident in the study area and recommends restoration of mine sites and awareness on heat stress and improved infrastructure for coping strategies in mining communities.
daytime thermal changes,mining sites,nigeria
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