Blood acid-base balance of heavily pregnant and lactating ewes supplemented with selenium


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This research aimed to determine the influence of selenium supplements (organic, inorganic) in the rations of heavily pregnant and lactation ewes on indicators of acid-base balance. The research was conducted on 30 pregnant ewes Merinolandschaf breeds. The ewes were divided into three groups of 10 animals. The research started in autumn, by selecting the heavily (90th days of pregnancy) pregnant ewes with a single lamb pregnancy, continued during the spring of next year with the same ewes after lambing in lactation. The control group of ewes (group I) was fed without the selenium supplement, the second group of ewes (group II) was supplemented with 0.3 mg/kg of organic selenium, and the third group of ewes (group III) was supplemented with the 0.3 mg/kg inorganic selenium. In the blood of heavily pregnant and lactating ewes pH, gases (pCO2, pO2), electrolytes (Ca, Na+, K+, Cl- and HCO3-), were determined and calculated z - value, BEfw, BECl -, BEalb, anion gap (AG) and the strong ion difference (SID). Most of the indicators of acid base balance in all three groups were in reference range and supplementation with selenium especially inorganic helps move their values to reference and avoid acid base imbalance and disorders connected, which can cause reduced productivity and economic results. Determined acid base indicators are a sign of proper, timely, and good feeding adjustments of ewes in demanding reproduction statuses.
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