Predictive Euler CFD - Resolution of NASA Vision 2030

AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum(2022)

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We show that computing turbulent solutions to Euler’s equations with a slip boundary condition offers a Theory of Everything ToE for slightly viscous incompressible fluid flow as a parameter-free model, covering a vast area of applications in vehicle aero/hydrodynamics including airplanes, ships and cars. This work resolves the Grand Challenges of fluid dynamics described in NASA Vision 2030. The foundation of the methodology is an extremely efficient Direct FEM Simulation (DFS) method. We describe a breakthrough in efficiency, allowing extremely small numerical dissipation by choosing very small stabilization coefficients, while allowing very large time step size. This work is developed as part of the Digital Math framework - as the foundation of modern science based on constructive digital mathematical computation. We invite you to run and modify the simulations yourself in your web browser. The Digital Math web environment with the Open Source Real Flight Simulator/FEniCS software for reproducing the results in the paper at in principle "zero" cost, together with more detailed presentation and results is available at: We show that Euler CFD by the scientific method in Digital Math predicts drag, lift and pressure distribution in close correspondence with observations for real problems with complex geometry with specific focus on the 4th High Lift Prediction Workshop and so can serve to deliver complete realistic aero/hydro-data for simulators without input from model experiments in wind tunnel and towing tank or full-scale experiments, as a new revolutionary capability.
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nasa vision,resolution,euler
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