Improving Water Resiliency at Military Installations: Addressing Deficiencies through Demand Estimation Planning Tools, Courses of Action Review, and Climate Change Risk Assessment Factors

Clint B. Smith, Damarys Acevedo-Acevedo,Victor F. Medina,Edith Martínez-Guerra,Michael Duczynski,Susan R. Wolters,Noah W. Garfinkle, Emma L. Smith, John L. Vavrin, Lora L. Johnson, Lauren Melendez,Luisa I. Feliciano

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2022(2022)

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Army installations, comprised of infrastructure, operations, and services, face countless risks to facilities’ supporting military missions. Resiliency to disruptions is necessary to perform these missions. Disruptions include degradation/obsolescence, natural disasters, or adversary attacks. To mitigate risk and ensure energy and water (E&W) security and resiliency, army installations must develop installation energy and water plans (IEWPs). IEWPs provide a road map for improving security and resiliency of installations. An essential IEWP component is the development of courses of action (COAs) to address deficiencies, improving an installation’s future condition, E&W security, and resilience during normal operations and emergency situations. The objective of this paper is to document water resiliency improvements in military installations by applying critical facilities demand estimation planning tools, completing courses of action reviews, and factoring in climate change. In doing so, the IEWP process improves US Army military readiness through state-of-the-art solutions for improved security, resilience, readiness, and mission assurance.
water resiliency,military installations,risk assessment,demand estimation planning tools
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