[Fat-forming solitary fibrous tumor with NAB2/ STAT6 gene fusion. Case report of genial location and literature review].

Revista espanola de patologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Anatomia Patologica y de la Sociedad Espanola de Citologia(2022)

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The lipomatous variety solitary fibrous tumor is a soft tissue neoplasm composed of mature adipose tissue and hemangiopericytoma areas. A 53-year-old man consulted for facial asymmetry and maxillofacial magnetic resonance imaging showed a cystic lesion, 3 x 2 cm in size, in front of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus. Histologically, there were dense spindle cells expressing CD34, CD99, Bcl-2, and STAT6, myxoid zones, hemangiopericytomatous blood vessels, and S100 positive adipocytes. NAB2/STAT6 gene fusion was revealed by RT-PCR. The main differential diagnosis was raised with the spindle cell lipoma and malignant variant of the lipomatous solitary fibrous tumor. STAT6 overexpression and NAB2/STAT6 gene fusion are specific for lipomatous solitary fibrous tumor and the presence of lipoblasts and atypical lipomatous tumor areas suggests malignancy. These tumors located in the head and neck region have a benign biological behavior.
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