Quantum Chemical Studies on SARS-CoV-2-a Review

2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)(2022)

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As soon as foreign substances like bacteria, fungi, chemicals and viruses (antigens) enter a human body, a protective protein (mostly Y-shaped), known as an antibody (immunoglobulin G - IgG) is produced by our immune system. But antibodies are not that much effective against viruses. Because viruses tend to mutate that leads to change in their shape which disturbs the necessitation of shape complementarity which limits the effectiveness of the antibody. Coronaviridae is a family of viruses that are responsible for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection which is a contagious and serious viral infection. These spreads breathing of viral drops coming out of coughing and sneezing of infected persons. Touching of infected surface is also a prime cause of infection. Vaccines tend to train and prepare our body's immune system to recognize and fight off the infectious foreign bodies when they enter. After vaccination, if the antigens enter our body later, our immune system will be immediately ready to destroy them to prevent sickness. Lot of factors like vaccine inefficiency to different variants of existing viruses, age factor, denial of vaccination and previously existing illness make the issue still critical. To face this deadly, alarming global challenge and to prevent the future coronavirus outbreaks, various scientific communities have been toiling in multiple diverse studies about this newly emerged virus. In this review, we underline and summarize the recent research findings involving the SARS-CoV-2's structure, character, lifecycle, its target, finding out antivirus drugs (mainly S-protein of SARS-CoV-2 is targeted), inhibitors, a protocol to identify anti-COVID-19 candidates, detection of efficient and approved vaccines etc.
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