Lagrange Motion Analysis and View Embeddings for Improved Gait Recognition

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(2022)

Cited 28|Views13
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Gait is considered the walking pattern of human body, which includes both shape and motion cues. However, the main-stream appearance-based methods for gait recognition rely on the shape of silhouette. It is unclear whether motion can be explicitly represented in the gait sequence modeling. In this paper, we analyzed human walking using the Lagrange's equation and come to the conclusion that second-order information in the temporal dimension is necessary for identification. We designed a second-order motion extraction module based on the conclusions drawn. Also, a light weight view-embedding module is designed by analyzing the problem that current methods to cross-view task do not take view itself into consideration explicitly. Experiments on CASIA-B and OU-MVLP datasets show the effectiveness of our method and some visualization for extracted motion are done to show the interpretability of our motion extraction module.
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Biometrics, Recognition: detection,categorization,retrieval, Representation learning
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