Psychological outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic in patients with Parkinson's disease: A systematic review.

Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia(2022)

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BACKGROUND:There were concerns about the psychological outcomes of coronavirus disease from the beginning of the pandemic. Parkinson's disease (PD) patients seem to be more vulnerable to mental health disorders like stress, depression, anxiety, or worsening quality of life during COVID-19 lockdown. We aimed to conduct a systematic review to investigate the psychological outcomes of COVID-19 among the PD population. METHODS:A systematic search was conducted using PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. We included original studies which reported the psychological impact of COVID-19 in the PD population with a minimum of 10 cases. RESULTS:After the screening, 21 studies with a total of 5236 PD cases were included in our qualitative synthesis. Depression, anxiety, and to less extent sleep disorders and apathy are the most studied psychological outcomes. Most of the studies indicated that the severity or the prevalence of psychiatric disturbance increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic in PD patients. The prevalence of anxiety was 14% to 66.5%, while depression was reported in 0% to 50% of PD patients during and after the pandemic. Also, sleep problems were reported in 35.4% to 68.9% of PD patients. CONCLUSION:Considering the overall trend of increment in the severity of the main psychological outcomes observed in the present systematic review, it is suggested that future studies conduct a more accurate analysis of the prevalence, severity, and associated pathology of psychological outcomes of COVID-19 in PD patients.
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