Research on Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Technology Based on SFM

Lei Gao, Yingbao Zhao, Jingchang Han,Huixian Liu


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Multi-view 3D reconstruction technology is used to restore a 3D model of practical value or required objects from a group of images. This paper designs and implements a set of multi-view 3D reconstruction technology, adopts the fusion method of SIFT and SURF feature-point extraction results, increases the number of feature points, adds proportional constraints to improve the robustness of feature-point matching, and uses RANSAC to eliminate false matching. In the sparse reconstruction stage, the traditional incremental SFM algorithm takes a long time, but the accuracy is high; the traditional global SFM algorithm is fast, but its accuracy is low; aiming at the disadvantages of traditional SFM algorithm, this paper proposes a hybrid SFM algorithm, which avoids the problem of the long time consumption of incremental SFM and the problem of the low precision and poor robustness of global SFM; finally, the MVS algorithm of depth-map fusion is used to complete the dense reconstruction of objects, and the related algorithms are used to complete the surface reconstruction, which makes the reconstruction model more realistic.
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multi-view 3D reconstruction,feature-point detection and matching,sparse reconstruction,a dense reconstruction
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