Verbesina sphaerocephala andVerbesina fastigiata extracts promote the pot development of Fragaria ananassa

A. P. Velasco-Ramírez,A. Velasco-Ramírez, R. M Hernández-Herrera, D. M. Murguia-Lizalde,S. F. Velasco-Ramírez

Agroindustrial science(2022)

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The use of biostimulantscould reduce the dependence on agrochemicals, increase the yield and resistance of plants against biotic and abiotic stress, influencing plant development. The objective of this research was to test whether aqueous extractsof V. sphaerocephalaand V. fastigiatapromote vegetative and root development in F. ananassa. The study was carried out under a randomized block design with six treatments in F. ananassaplants grown in pots under nursery conditions: control plants only irrigated with drinking water, plants with aqueous extracts of V. sphaerocephala(concentrations at 10% and 15%), plants with aqueous extracts of V. fastigiata(Concentrations at 10% and 15%) and Volvox. Number of leaves, leaf width, leaf length, number of flowers, number of buttons, number of fruits, number of crowns, fresh weight and root length were evaluated. The index was also calculated to determine the agronomic efficiency. The results obtained showed evidence that the application of aqueous extracts of the species of V. sphaerocephalaand V. fastigiatacan be a viable alternative as agricultural potential since a good development was evident in all the phenological stages of the crop.
fragaria ananassa,extracts,pot development
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