Scientific and applied components of the formation of the strategy of institutional-oriented diversification of construction enterprises

Oleksandr Kucherenko, G. Ryzhakova,Khrystyna Chupryna, Г.В. Шпакова, Nataliia Kishchak,Serhii Veremeev

Upravlìnnâ rozvitkom skladnih sistem(2021)

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Information systems play an increasing role in achieving the strategic goals of organizations, as they not only provide information processing for departments and end users in the internal environment, but also directly generate products and services based on information and provide a competitive advantage in the market. In modern business conditions, the choice of effective competitive strategy of the enterprise are especially relevant. The proposed approach to the choice of competitive strategy of the enterprise on the criteria of "level of product / technological innovation", "level of demand in the market / segment" provides a choice of hybrid strategies that combine strategic solutions to minimize costs and differentiation. The formed basic provisions and the built conceptual model of processes of formation, choice and realization of competitive strategy of the enterprise which are presented in the form of interrelation of certain subprocesses, allow to increase efficiency of achievement of strategic purposes of enterprise by strengthening efficiency of its strategic process. The variety of existing strategic approaches and methods determines the multivariate formation of enterprise strategies in general and competitive strategy in particular. Given the importance of information management infrastructure of the organization for its operation and development, a model of its construction is proposed.
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