PREDIS: innovative ways for predisposal treatment and monitoring of low and medium radioactive waste

Safety of nuclear waste disposal(2021)

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Abstract. The EURATOM PREDIS project (, last access: 25 October 2021) targets the development and implementation of activities for predisposal treatment of radioactive waste streams other than nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. It started on 1 September 2020 with a 4 year duration. The consortium includes 47 partners from 17 member states. The overall budget of the project is EUR 23.7 million, with EC contribution of EUR 14 million. The PREDIS project develops and increases the technological readiness level (TRL) of treatment and conditioning methodologies for wastes for which no adequate or industrially mature solutions are currently available, including metallic materials, liquid organic waste and solid organic waste. The PREDIS project also develops innovations in cemented waste handling and predisposal storage by testing and evaluating. The technical work packages align with priorities formulated within the Roadmap Theme 2 of EURAD (, last access: 15 October 2021), Nugenia Global Vision (, last access: 15 October 2021) and with those identified by the project's industrial end users group (EUG). The PREDIS will produce tools guiding decision making on the added value of the developed technologies and their impact on the design, safety and economics of waste management and disposal. Four technical work packages are focusing on specific waste types: metallic, liquid organic, solid organic, and cemented wastes. For the first three, the main aim lies in processing, stabilizing, and packaging the different waste streams, e.g. by using novel geopolymers, to deliver items which are in line with national and international waste acceptance criteria. In contrast, the fourth technical work package has a different focus. To provide better ways for a safe and effective monitoring of cemented waste packages including prediction tools to assess the future integrity development during predisposal activities, several digital tools are evaluated and improved. Safety enhancement (e.g. less exposure of testing personnel) and cost-effectiveness are part of the intended impact. The work includes but is not limited to inspection methods, such as muon imaging, wireless sensors integrated into waste packages as well as external package and facility monitoring, such as remote fiber optic sensors. The sensors applied will go beyond radiation monitoring and include proxy parameters important for long-term integrity assessment (e.g. internal pressure). Sensors will also be made cost-effective to allow the installation of many more sensors compared to current practice. The measured data will be used in digital twins of the waste packages for specific simulations (geochemical, integrity) providing a prediction of future behavior. Machine learning techniques trained by the characterization of older waste packages will help to connect the models to the current data. All data (measured and simulated) will be collected in a joint database and connected to a decision framework to be used at actual facilities. The presentation includes detailed information about the various tools under consideration in the monitoring of cemented waste packages, their connection and first results of the research.
predisposal treatment,waste
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