Weathering the storm: Impacts of hurricane-induced noise on the probability of detecting cetaceans

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America(2022)

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Hurricanes Dorian (Category 5; 2019), Florence (Category 4; 2018), and Humberto (Category 3; 2019) impacted the soundscape as observed at the Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network (ADEON) locations in the US Mid- and South Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. Passive acoustic data obtained from bottom-mounted hydrophones at the ADEON locations were examined to assess changes in ambient sound before, during, and afterhurricane presence. Ambient sound level increased up to 25 dB in the 0.1–7 kHz band which could impact the detectability of cetaceans vocalizing at those frequencies. The probability of detection of fin whales, minke whales, and pilot whales was estimated using empirical ambient sound levels, modelled propagation loss, and pre-defined detection parameters. Detection area, as defined by range of minimum detectability of the cetacean from the receiver, was estimated before, during, and after hurricane presence at each ADEON location. Detection area changed considerably during hurricane presence with site-specific impacts for each of the cetaceans, which may affect estimates of their abundance from passive acoustic recordings. [Study concept, oversight, and funding were provided by ONR Award N00014-16-1-2594 and BOEM under Contract No. M16PC00003, in partnership with ONR and NOAA. Funding for ship time was provided under separate contracts by ONR, Code 32.]
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