A future vision for digital transformation in pharmacy and drug system

Hager Mosleh Fetooh,Heba Youssef, Amina Hussine Ali, Mona Yusuf,Sherin Adel, Asmaa Alaa eldeen Zaki, Nouran Ahmed,Tasneem Rotab

Medicine Updates (Online)(2022)

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Why is Digital Transformation Important? Digital transformation is changing the way an organization operates. Systems, processes, workflow, and culture are all evaluated. This transformation affects each level of an organization and brings together data across areas to work together more effectively. • It is worth noting that we point with much pride to the recent trends of the Egyptian state to enhance and support the development in the provision of smart and mechanized government services... in order to raise the productive efficiency of the employee in various work sites and achieve a technological breakthrough in all sectors... as well as facilitation for citizens in Get the desired service • We recall in this context the achievements of Egypt in this field A budget of one billion pounds was allocated in the 2019-2020 budget To update the information infrastructure and digital content... In this context, and within the efforts of the Egyptian Ministry of Planning represented in the Information and Decision Support Center, the electronic enterprise management system (institutional memory) was launched: It is one of the leading and specialized programs in the Middle East in the field of managing electronic institutions through the methods it provides for following up and developing the administrative performance.. The use of this program has led to control and governance and enhance the transparency of the financial performance of the state.. as well as tightening control over government expenditures and raising the efficiency of spending
digital transformation,pharmacy,drug
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