Intestinal Predictors of Whole Blood Serotonin Levels in Children With or Without Autism

Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders(2022)

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Hyperserotonemia, or elevated levels of whole blood serotonin (WB5-HT), was the first biomarker linked to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Despite numerous studies investigating the etiology of hyperserotonemia, results have been inconsistent. Recent findings suggest a relationship between the immune system and hyperserotonemia. The current study investigated whether intestinal 5-HT levels, 5-HT gene expression, or intestinal cell types predict WB5-HT. Participants included thirty-one males aged 3–18 who were classified into one of three groups: ASD and functional GI issues, typically developing with GI issues, and typically developing without GI issues. Samples from a lower endoscopy were analyzed to examine the pathways in predicting WB-5HT. Results demonstrated an association between T-Lymphocytes and WB5-HT.
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Hyperserotonemia, Immunity, Autism, Whole blood serotonin
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