Application and Prospect Analysis of Vanadium Battery Technology in Photovoltaic Power Generation

SiYu Jiang,Wang Bin, LongHai Yu

2021 China Automation Congress (CAC)(2021)

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The output power of photovoltaic power generation is fluctuating, and it is easy to affect the stability of the power system when it is connected to the grid on a large scale. In order to smooth the photovoltaic output power and effectively improve the power supply reliability and power quality of photovoltaic power generation, it is proposed to equip the photovoltaic power generation system with a vanadium battery energy storage system of appropriate capacity. This article first analyzes in detail the characteristics and working principles of the new all-vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system, and establishes an equivalent circuit model of the vanadium battery, then simulates and analyzes the charge and discharge characteristics of the vanadium battery, which is based on MATLAB/Simulink software, finally the application advantages and development prospects of vanadium battery energy storage in photovoltaic power generation systems under the background of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" policy in my country are summarized.
Photovoltaic power generation,Vanadium battery,Energy storage,Carbon peak and carbon neutral
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