An Uncommon Presentation of Gastric Metastasis of a Breast Cystosarcoma Phyllodes Tumor

Nicole Cruz-Reyes, Edgar Colón-Negrón, Marcia Cruz-Correa

Annals of Medical and Clinical Oncology(2020)

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Abstract The aggressiveness of cystosarcoma phyllodes tumors, although rare, presents a very poor prognosis for patients. Due to the uncommon cases where cystosarcoma phyllodes tumor do metastasize, it is important to have a better understanding of the management of these patients. Likewise, since metastasis could occur rapidly and to a variety of organs, we want to emphasize that all physicians involved in these cases need to have a clear idea of the potential aggressiveness of these tumors, particularly those that metastasize. In this case report, we present a rare gastric metastasis of a breast cystosarcoma phyllodes tumor. A 61- year old woman presents with a malignant gastric metastasis of phyllodes tumor after years of managing her local breast and axillary recurrences. In the management of this case, a careful CT Scan reading may have had an impact on the care offered to the patient. With this case report, we also want to focus on the little amount of information and research advancements regarding this type of tumor. We emphasize the necessity of more research in phyllodes tumors to enhance the guidelines of care and improve the prognosis of such diagnosis, specially when the tumor metastasize. Keywords Cystosarcoma phyllodes; Malignant tumor; Metastasis, Phyllodes tumors
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