Optimizing ECG lead selection for detection of prolongation of ventricular repolarization as measured by the Tpeak-end interval


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Background The Tpeak-end(Tp-e) has not been compared in all 12 ECG leads in healthy adults to determine if the Tp-e varies across leads. If there is variation, it remains uncertain, which lead(s) are preferred for recording in order to capture the maximal Tp-e value. Objective The purpose of the current study was to determine the optimal leads, if any, to capture the maximal Tp-e interval in healthy young adults. Methods In 88 healthy adults (ages 21-38 years), including derivation (n = 21), validation (n = 20), and smoker/vaper (n = 47) cohorts, the Tp-e was measured using commercial computer software (LabChart Pro 8 with ECG module, ADInstruments) in all 12 leads at rest and following a provocative maneuver, abrupt standing. Tp-e was compared to determine which lead(s) most frequently captured the maximal Tp-e interval. Results In the rest and abrupt standing positions, the Tp-e was not uniform among the 12 leads; the maximal Tp-e was most frequently captured in the precordial leads. At rest, grouping leads V2-V4 resulted in detection of the maximum Tp-e in 85.7% of participants (CI 70.7, 99.9%) versus all other leads (p < .001). Upon abrupt standing, grouping leads V2-V6 together, resulted in detection of the maximum Tp-e 85.0% of participants (CI 69.4, 99.9% versus all other leads; p < .001). These findings were confirmed in the validation cohort, and extended to the smoking/vaping cohort. Conclusion If only a subset of ECG leads will be recorded or analyzed for the Tp-e interval, selection of the precordial leads is preferred since these leads are most likely to capture the maximal Tp-e value.
sudden death, Tp-e, QT, Tp-e, QTc, Tpeak-end, ventricular repolarization
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