Introducing an Integrated Rehabilitation Approach for the Treatment of Osteoporosis


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The presentation wants to introduce a new kind of Integrated Rehabilitation Approach dedicated to Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a multifactorial disorder associated with degeneration of bone structure and decreased bone mass. In the general population it affects more than 1/3 women and 1/5 men aged over 50 years old, casuing many problems for those who suffer from this pathology, prticularly due to an incresed fragility. Many advances has been made in the management of this pathology, starting from the evaluation techniques up to the pharmacological and surgical field. Also in the rehabilitation field there has been an evolution of the approach to this pathology, thanks to introduction of new technologies and the discovery of new methods of treatments. The opportunity to apply approaches like Focused Mechanical-Acoustic Vibrations, Physical Exercise performed on a Computerized Elispheric Unstable Setting and treatment of Musculoskeletal Dysfunctions of Myofascial Origin through the Manual and Electrical stimulations of specific Key Trigger Points allow us to get new perspectives in the management of this complex pathology, in order to give to the patients the opportunity to live their lives with the highest possible quality.
osteoporosis,integrated rehabilitation approach,treatment
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