Preferential hyperacuity perimetry: home monitoring to decrease vision loss due to age-related macular degeneration

David M. Kleinman, Susan Orr, Jeff Heier,Gidi Benyamini, Jon Johnson, Muki Rapp

Patient-Centered Digital Healthcare Technology: Novel applications for next generation healthcare systems(2020)

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Vision is one of the most valued of human sensory perceptions, and vision loss is associated with a significant decrease in quality of life as well as serious medical, psychological, social and financial consequences. Due to the high value people place on vision, ophthalmologists often find that patients are motivated to take an active role in reducing their risk for vision loss. Age-related macular degeneration (AMID) is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in the western world. Despite major advances in treating this condition over the past two decades, additional efforts are needed to significantly alter current rates of visual decline due to AMID. This unmet need provides an opportunity to utilise home monitoring technology to enable self-aware AMID patients to preserve their vision. Remote patient monitoring is growing in clinical applicability generally, and AMID is an excellent target for this valuable approach to patient care. The ForeseeHome®preferential hyperacuity perimeter is a telemedicine home-based monitoring system and has been proven to improve visual outcomes in patients suffering from AMID. The development of ForeseeHome is the result of a global cooperative effort to change the lives of people with AMID by using a simple at-home test. As is true for other successes in biomedicine, this program was founded on excellent basic science, strong engineering, an experienced, dedicated team and well-designed clin-ical trials showing unquestionable efficacy.
preferential hyperacuity perimetry,macular degeneration,vision loss,home monitoring,age-related
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