Study on the optimization of on-line drilling parameters of slim cigarette to the stability of total ventilation rate

Xiaohui Qiao, Jian Zhao,Qun Hu, Tao Zhang, Lei Yang,Jiacan Wu,Xufeng He, Yanqun Xu,Qian Pu,Meiwei Zhao,Ye Qiu,Hongtao Feng

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2021)

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Abstract In order to explore the influence of the number of holes and laser pulse durations on the mean and standard deviation of the total ventilation rate of the slim cigarettes, the optimal range of on-line drilling parameters for different products under the allowable range of the total ventilation rate was determined. In this study, three cigarette products were used, 40 holes (before improvement), and 30 holes (after improvement) were drilled by on-line laser, and the laser pulse durations were adjusted to make the mean of total ventilation rate reach the standard value for comparative analysis. The results show that when the optimal number of holes is 30, the standard deviation of the total ventilation rate of each brand decreases by 24.79%, which increases the stability of the total ventilation rate.
slim cigarette,ventilation,optimization,on-line
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