Исследование динамики выходной оптической мощности полупроводниковых лазеров (1070 nm) с маломодовым латеральным волноводом мезаполосковой конструкции при сверхвысоких токах накачки

И.С. Шашкин,А.Ю. Лешко, В.В. Шамахов, Д.Н. Романович, В.А. Капитонов, К.В. Бахвалов,С.О. Слипченко,Н.А. Пихтин, П.С. Копьев

Письма в журнал технической физики(2021)

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At ultrahigh levels of pulsed current pumping, the characteristics of semiconductor lasers based on an asymmetric heterostructure with a broadened lateral waveguide of a mesa-stripe design are studied. A peak power of 5.1 W is demonstrated at a pump current amplitude of 10 A. Three types of spatial dynamics of laser radiation are determined: the first one is a slow (~ 200 ns) intensity profile variation along the lateral near field at initial level of pump currents; the second one is a presence of fast (~ 10 ns) processes of mode competition at moderate pump currents; the third one is a chaotic temporal behavior of the output power at maximum pump currents.
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