Towards Implementing a Collaborative Manufacturing Cloud Platform: Experimenting Testbeds Aiming Asset Efficiency

Volume 2B: Advanced Manufacturing(2020)

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Abstract Developing Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems requires addressing challenges that range from acquiring data at the level of the shopfloor, integrated at the edge level and managing it at the cloud level. Managing manufacturing operations at the cloud level arose the opportunity for extending decisions to entities of the supply chain in a collaborative way. Not only it has arisen many challenges due to several interoperability needs; but also in properly defining an effective way to take advantage of the available data, leading to Industrial Digital Thread (IDT) and Asset Efficiency (AE) implementing. This paper discusses implementation concerns for a collaborative manufacturing environment in an IIoT system in order to monitor equipment’s AE. Each concern was addressed in a separate proof of concept testbed. The demonstration is based in a project for the IIoT domain called PRODUTECH-SIF (Solutions for the Industry of the Future).
collaborative manufacturing cloud platform,testbeds aiming asset efficiency
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