Design and Construction of a Posterior Walker for Older Adults “Moviclinic”

Gianina Garrido Silva, Juan Manuel Arguello Espinosa,Jessica Gissella Maradey Lázaro, Geidy Alexandra Bayona Velasco, Angela Dayana Suescun Mejia

Volume 5: Biomedical and Biotechnology(2020)

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Abstract In recent years, the population of older adults (i.e age over 65) will double from 11% to 22% according to statistics from the World Health Organization (i.e WHO). The assistive devices for gait (i.e Assistive Devices and Mobility Aids, ADMA) allow the movement and mobility of people with reduced abilities to walk, providing additional support of the human body to the ground. Some authors have classified these devices as fixed and mobile. Fixed devices are made up of parallel bars or handrails and mobile devices that include walking sticks, crutches, and walkers. Especially, mobile devices allow the gait to be carried out by leaning on the device so that the patient will have greater stability and balance; as well as autonomy on regular terrain. Likewise, these reduce the risk of complications such as falls and immobilizations, which greatly improves the patient’s functionality and in rehabilitation can help to reduce pain in the muscles and joints by redistributing weight. The “Moviclinic” rear walker is made up of a metal frame, equipped with forearm support and a front safety stop, which provides security for the user and his family. The rear wheels allow to direct the element and with the front wheels regulates the speed. Besides, it has an obstacle detection system which is based on the ultrasound principle, generating an audible alarm when detecting them with two priority levels, and the alarm system activated directly by the user. This feature always allows both the user and his family or caregiver to have peace of mind at all the times. Electronic design is also included. This article aims to show the design, construction and validation of a support device for elderly patients with gait disturbances called “Moviclinic” based on the application of the “Design Thinking” methodology, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and a technological surveillance analysis to make a comparison with current walkers and be able to offer a quality, efficient and affordable product. Finally, the test protocols carried out and the results obtained when testing their operation.
posterior walker,older adults
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