Joint Cleaning Model of Energy and Auxiliary Service Market Considering Wind Power Cost

2020 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC)(2020)

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The corresponding cost caused by the uncertainty and volatility of wind speed is negligible in most existing researches on the clearing model of spot market. This paper proposes an output cost of wind turbine considering the fluctuation and volatility of wind power, and introduce it into the joint energy and auxiliary service markets. First, considering the Weibull wind speed distribution and the characteristics of wind turbine output power, the wind speed-power probability distribution of the wind turbine is obtained by the external characteristic modeling method. On this basis, the penalty cost factor is introduced to derive the cost function of wind power, and it is introduced as the objective function into the joint clearing model of energy and auxiliary service markets. Then, this joint model is transformed into an equivalent mixed integer linear programming model. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the proposed model base on the IEEE 39 system.
wind power,joint clearing model,wind output cost,mixed integer linear programming,probability distribution
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