Possibilities of using the dermatoglyphic method to identify an unknown person (literature review)

N. M. Kozan,V. I. Gunas, V. D. Mishalov, V. M. Voloshynovich, V. O. Chadyk

Reports of Vinnytsia National Medical University(2020)

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Annotation. The dermatoglyphic method of research, having gone through more than a century of development and transformation, from the stage of application to the comparison of fingerprints and palms to the method of detecting susceptibility to certain diseases, has become an integral, time-tested method in medicine. However, its main field of application is still forensic medicine, in particular, forensic criminalistics and the identification of unknown persons. The emergence of a large number of works and new methods of obtaining and analyzing dermatoglyphic indicators requires a systematic review and analysis in order to organize new knowledge in this area. The analysis of literature sources indicates the rapid development and justification of the use of digital methods to obtain dermatoglyphs of fingers and toes, palms and feet and further processing of digital images, and the use of artificial neural networks to improve expertise to identify an unknown person.
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dermatoglyphic method,unknown person
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