Semen bacteria flora of rhode island breeder cocks in zaria, kaduna state, nigeria.

Nigerian Journal of Animal Production(2021)

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The semen used in this was collected from 77 Island Breeder cocks reared in battery cages under intensive management fro a farm in Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria using back message procedure, 27 of 77 semen sample (35.1%) contained bacteria isolates.None of the sample grew fungi. Bac teria isolates obtained from the semen include:Escherichia, coli, staphylococcus, aureus, streplococcus faecalis, Proteus species and Klebsiella species. Seventy of the semen sample were negative for brucellosis but sevrn sample exhibited Brucella specie agglutinins using tube agglutination test and level of antibody titres are 61.5, 82.0 and 102.5 iu/ml respectively. The presence of agglutinin detected in this study is significant since brucellosis is of public health and significance. In addition, the presence of bateria contaminantsin semen should be viewed with seriouness. As a consequence, routine control of bateria in collected semen desirable. This study sought to identify the bateria flora and pathogens in semen collected from cocks and see how they be effectively reduced or destroyed in the interest of the efficient collection, preservation and delivery of highly fertile semen artificially. Areas for further investigation were highlighted.
rhode island breeder cocks,semen,bacteria,flora,rhode island
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