Cultural and leisure activity as a mean of aggressive adolescent behavior’ correction

Visnik Zaporiz'kogo naciohai'nogo universitetu. Pedagogicni nauki(2020)

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The article considers psychological and pedagogical approaches to the interpretation of the scientific definition of aggression. It has been established that children’s aggression is mostly the result of poor treatment of children, which is due to lack of respect, tolerance in communication, as well as the use of excessive severity and abuse of punishment. Aggressive behavior is a system of response to adverse situations. The adolescents solve important personal or social problems through such situations. The adolescents are given the opportunity to assert their identity, dignity, increase self-esteem, protect their rights and strengthen control over their environment through aggressive behavior. In the methodological angle, aggressive behavior acts as an effective method of psychological relief, as a way of self-realization and self-affirmation, as well as a method of psychological and emotional influence. There are analyzed biogenetic, psychological, ecological and social directions which explain emergence of aggressive behavior of the person. It has been found that the activity approach plays an important role in the prevention of aggressive behavior. This approach has a positive effect on the prevention of aggressive behavior. According to the activity approach, cultural and leisure activities play a special role in establishing internal activities. From the psychological and pedagogical point of view, leisure covers a set of different types of leisure activities. These activities contribute to the development of personal qualities and have a positive effect on meeting the spiritual, physical and socially significant needs of adolescents. Leisure is perceived as a conscious necessity for teenagers. For this very reason cultural and leisure activities have a positive impact on the prevention of aggressive behavior. In the methodological plane during the organization of cultural and leisure activities it is necessary to make the main emphasis on such principles as: the principle of interest; the principle of unity of recreation and cognition; principle of joint activity. During preventive activities to overcome aggression, it is necessary to organize the leisure of adolescents in such a way as to ensure the self-development of internal resources and enhance self-actualization. Leisure itself enriches the spiritual and physical health of adolescents, helps to completely solve or neutralize problems and crises.
aggressive adolescent behavior,leisure activity
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