Development and expansion of european joint master's programme in line with growing demand for high quality professionals

INTED2021 ProceedingsINTED Proceedings(2021)

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The contribution of joint master's programmes (JMP) to excellence in the European Higher Education Area is based on the process of universities efforts to continuously adapt their higher education systems making them more compatible and strengthening their quality assurance mechanisms. Any single university is too small to do everything on its own, the demands and needs of global society and labour market can be better satisfied through networking of universities.The goal of the presentation is to share and reflect experience in implementation of JMP in Social Work with Children and Youth (SWCY). The methodology of presentation is based on theoretical analysis and historical approach to development of JMP from the point of view of JMP coordinator.JMP SWCY was started in 2014 at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU, Lithuania) and Riga Stradins University (RSU, Latvia) under the project Preparing and Implementing Joint Master‘s Degree programme Social work with children and youth, co-financed by the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union. In 2019 it was decided to expand JMP and to apply for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. European Joint Master in Social Work with Children and Youth (ESWOCHY) was chosen to be financed in 2020 (619857-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB). Several changes were foreseen: to prolong the JMP from 90 to 120 ECTS in order to give more time for students to prepare high quality Master thesis; to strengthen research competence of students adding scientific workshop in last semester for discussions on methodology of Master thesis and possible improvements in supervision of methodologists of different universities; to involve new partners: Catholic University in Ruzomberok (Slovakia) and ISTCE University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), so the geography expanded from Lithuania and Latvia as Northern countries to Slovakia as Central and Portugal as Southern European country; to improve the content of the JMP by emphasising digital and entrepreneurial competences. ESWOCHY was built on three pillars: humanistic perspective, intercultural communication and digital technologies in social work.A common and integrated approach of ESWOCHY is reflected through mission and vision statements in Partner Universities' strategic documents that emphasis scientific knowledge and research-based teaching, humanistic tradition, critical thinking education and creativity, knowledge transfer and lifelong learning, multidisciplinary learning, entrepreneurship, technology and innovation, quality and highest academic standards. They strive for internationalization of studies and research, promotion of sustainable progress, transparency and openness. In cooperation with social partners, ESWOCHY seek to prepare highly skilled professionals, supporting human dignity and cultural heritage, focusing on human creative power which provides leadership for service to society on national and international level.
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