The influence of halal tourism destination attributes on tourist satisfaction in Bandung

N. Wildan,M.N. Della, O. Sukirman

Promoting Creative Tourism: Current Issues in Tourism Research(2021)

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Supported by various facilities, infrastructure, diversity of tourist attractions, core needs, and services such as halal food and Sharia hotels that are the main source in meeting the needs of Muslim tourists make Bandung as one of the cities developing halal tourism destinations in West Java. This study aims to determine the influence of halal tourism destination attributes aspects (i.e., access, communications, environment, and services) on tourist satisfaction. The type of research used was descriptive and verification with quantitative approach. The sample in this study was 203 respondents of foreign Muslim tourists who visited Bandung. The analysis technique used was path analysis. The result of the research shows that halal tourism destination attributes on tourist satisfaction simultaneously and partially influential. In this study, the government, related institutions, as well as business actors in the field of halal tourism in particular must work together in an effort to develop the City of Bandung as a halal tourism destination.
halal tourism,destination attributes,tourist satisfaction
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