Analisis faktor – faktor bauran pemasaran terhadap keputusan pembelian daging ayam di pasar swalayan fresh mart bahu kecamatan malalayang kota manado

Randy Taroreh,M L Rundengan,J K.J Kalangi, F N.S Oroh


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ANALYSIS OF MARKETING MIXED FACTORS ON BROILER MEAT PURCHASING DECISION AT PRESHMART SUPER STORE BAHU, MALALAYANG DISTRICT OF MANADO CITY. Broiler meats were categorized into popular high nutrient food product to supply protein needs of human being. The activities applied by the super store to overcome the high competition supplying consumers were to define the marketing strategy. A certain important strategy was mixed marketing. Strategy of mixed marketing was only applied to obtain the satisfaction wanted by consumers. The objective of this study was to evaluate factors affecting consumers to decide their decision on broiler meat purchasing at the fresh-mart super store Bahu, Mando. A total of hundred purchasers were chosen to be samples using accidental sampling method. Analysis was done by SPSS program for Windows version 23. Data were analyzed by factors analysis model, continued by multiple regression to define the effects of factors of mixed marketing on purchasing decision by consumers. The factors affecting purchasing decision by consumers were meat color (X1), reached price (X2), strategic location (X3), and advertising material (X4). The dominant factor affecting purchasing decision was meat color (X1) with the highest regression coefficient of 0.725.
analisis faktor
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