Mixed 2D-3D Halide Perovskite Solar Cells

Alaa E. Abd El-Samad, Radwa S. Mostafa, Hager H. Zeenelabden, Menahtullah M. Mabrouk,Ahmed Mourtada Elseman,Nasr Gad,Mostafa El-Aasser,Mohamed M. Rashad

Solar Cells - Theory, Materials and Recent Advances(2021)

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The 3D-perovskite halides have gained a considerable reputation versus their counterpart semiconductor materials since they achieved a remarkable high-power conversion efficiency of 25.2% within a decade. Perovskite solar cells also have some problems as lattice degradation and sensitivity against moisture, oxygen, and strong irradiation. The perovskite instability is the drawback in front of this emerging technology towards mass production and commercialization. 2D-perovskites, with the general formula A2Bn − 1MnX3n + 1, have been recently introduced to overcome some of the drawbacks of the stability of 3D-perovskites; however, this is at the expense of sacrificing a part of the power conversion efficiency. Mixed 2D/3D perovskites could solve this dilemma towards the way to high stability-efficiency perovskites. The research is expected to obtain highly stable and efficient mixed 2D/3D perovskite solar cells in the few coming years. This chapter reviews 2D-perovskites’ achieved progress, highlighting their properties, current trends, challenges, and future prospects.
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halide perovskite solar cells,solar cells
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