Régészeti kutatások Somogy megyében 2018–2019-ben

Szilvia Honti,Csilla Balogh, Károly Belényesy,Zsolt Gallina, Gyöngyi Gulyás,István Molnár, Péter Gergely Németh, Krisztina Somogyi,András Végh

Kaposvári Rippl-Rónai Múzeum Közleményei(2020)

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This study presents the archaeological fieldwork carried out by the Rippl-Rónai Museum between 2018-2019. They included plan excavations, prevention excavations and ones performed during observation. Our biggest excavations were related to the expansion of road 67 into a 2x2 lane. Dur-ing the archaeological works we discovered phenomena, cem-eteries and settlements from the Neolithic to the Early Modern Age. Prehistoric Age: Late Neolithic quadruple rondel was dis-covered in Gamás-Vadépusztai mező site No. 2. Roman Age: Sites mainly from the Late Imperial Period (3-4. centuries) are to be mentioned: Gamás-Belső tanya, Mernye-Lótilos 1 és Balatonszentgyörgy-Kenderföldek. Migration Period: Two intact male graves with weaponry were found in a Lombard cemetery fraction outside Kaposfüred. The excavations of the Zamárdi Avar Age cemetery continued, and a new 8-9. c. Avar cem-etery was discovered at Gamás. Middle Ages-Early Modern Age: Plan excavations took place in the Mediaeval Mindszent Pauline Monastery in Balatonszemes and the Premonstraten-sian Provostship in Bárdudvarnok. Excavations of churches from the Árpád Age and the Middle Ages in Iharosberény and Karád. Mementos of the fight against the Ottomans: ramparts and ditches built around the Mediaeval church in Marótpuszta. At long last, we had an opportunity for a partial exploration of the Turkish bath in central Törökkoppány. The most significant of all excavations along Route 67, among a number of Árpád Age and Mediaeval rural settlements was of a Mediaeval es-tate centre near Vadépuszta.
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