Implementation of an electronic medical record in light of the actor-network theory

Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem(2021)

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Objective: to describe the human and non-human actors network involved in the implementation of an electronic medical record in Primary Health Care in Minas Gerais. Method: this is a study with a qualitative approach, with the Actor-Network Theory as a theoretical framework and Controversy Cartography as a methodological framework. We interviewed 20 health professionals, managers and other spokespersons involved with the implementation of an electronic medical record in a city in Minas Gerais State. We conducted observation and collection of 30 documents when following the participants from September 2018 to August 2019. For analysis, we used the following scales to visualize the mapped social dynamics: Minor Scale (brief and chronological description of the main events); Intermediate Scale (identification of humans and non-humans, their relationships and controversies); Major Scale (detailed description of the main controversies). Results: the network of actants involved in the electronic medical record implementation is woven from controversies: multiple actants and their translations influencing the electronic medical record implementation; contributions and weaknesses shaping the electronic medical record as an open controversy. Such controversies emerged from the mobilization of actors from various spheres of government, in addition to the place of implementation. Despite the weaknesses found, the electronic medical record contributed to: support decision-making; monitor patients’ health history; integrate information between the assistance network points. Conclusion: the success of the technology implementation was influenced by the relationships established between humans and non-humans from different management spheres, which, by mobilizing, strengthen or weaken computerization.
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Key words
electronic medical record,implementation,actor-network
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