Nutriologia Medica: Medical Nutriology Comprehensive Textbook

Current Developments in Nutrition(2021)

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Abstract Objectives To know the opinion of users and readers about the application of Nutriología Médica as a textbook and its use as a reference for the practice of nutritional care in Mexico.To know the opinion of users and readers about the application of Nutriología Médica as a textbook and its use as a reference for the practice of nutritional care in Mexico. Methods Invitation open to students and health professionals from Mexico to evaluate the content and use of the 3rd and 4th editions of Nutriología Médica through an electronic survey designed on the Google Forms platform. Results 197 students and 238 health professionals responded. 80% of the teachers considered that Nutriología Médica is a good tool for the learning of their students. 88.5% of the students considered that the text is appropriate for their level of studies. The 4th edition was better evaluated than the 3rd edition in terms of content, information and organization. Conclusions Nutriología Médica is a book used and recognized by students and health professionals in medicine and nutrition that has favored the teaching of nutrition in Mexico. Funding Sources Universidad Iberoamericana CDMX.
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