Statistic literation profile viewed from thinking level Middle Order Thinking Skills (MOTS)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series(2021)

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Abstract Purpose of this study is to describe the statistical literacy skills of prospective teacher students in terms of Middle Order Thinking Skills (MOTS). Students should have basic statistical competence so that they can respond, understand, analyze, interpret, and make conclusions about various information related to statistics and can give meaning to problems raised through statistical information in various literacy media. The level of MOTS thinking in bloom revision taxonomy includes remembering (C1), applying (C2) and understanding (C3). This research is a qualitative research. The subjects of this study were students of mathematics education study programs who took statistics statistics. Researchers developed a statistical literacy ability test that would measure competencies in terms of the level of thinking of MOTS, namely: understanding statistical concepts, insight into statistical concept applications, numeracy skills and the ability to present statistical data. The test instrument is then given to the research subject and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the statistical literacy ability of students in terms of MOTS showed that 19% in the low category, 28.6% in the Medium category and 52.4% in the high category
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